One of my primary impetuses for getting an ipad was trying
to address some of the pedagogical challenges of one of the EAS courses that I
teach every year. The course is the only
200-level SOAN course open to first-year students from any discipline with no
prerequisites. It is also required of
all EAS majors who often wait until their senior year to fulfill their
requirements. Typically hovering around 25-30 students, the course thus
incorporates first year students with little to no background either in
sociology/anthropology or East Asian studies, and upper-division students who
have already had courses in advanced social theory and/or spent significant
time in East Asia. Over the years, younger
students have mentioned that the classroom atmosphere can seem intimidating and
that this hampers their participation. My
plan was to use the iPad in this classroom to address these concerns,
specifically by using the iPad app “LectureTools.” LectureTools (LT) is usually a paid
subscription, but I talked the sales team into a free demo for the semester. It’s a presentation program that allows the
instructor to share slides and presentation material with the students and that
allows the students to individually annotate directly onto the slides on their
own computers/iPads/smart phones. LT also allows students to engage directly
with the presentation by posing anonymous questions and answers to questions
from their devices through a “questions” tab that then appear on the central
classroom screen. For assessment
purposes, the instructor has the individual ability to note which students are
asking/answering questions without other students having access to the
information. Thus, students who feel
uncomfortable participating in conversations that are dominated by upper-class
students with more extensive disciplinary/area studies background may
contribute in more creative ways. The
program also has a “confusing” button that students can press that allows them
to show incomprehension without feeling self-conscious. Sounds great, right? Back to the drawing
board. After all this prep, learning the
program, publishing the course info, etc. when I tried to use it in the
classroom it was a flop. The lag time
required of students to type questions/answers/etc. into their phones and/or
computers was so lengthy and awkward that is became more of a burden than an
asset, with everyone getting impatient with the lag time between question,
answer and discussion. Off to the next
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