There are a few projects I have in mind for
my iPad. Any ideas and suggestions are more than welcome!
- First, to take it with me on trips to
gather info, take pictures/short movies and record interviews with people from
the area I visit. I didn’t have an iPad before getting it a couple of days
before my trip to Argentina, so I believe I didn’t take full advantage of its
capabilities. I definitely need to look more into acquiring apps and
experimenting with them. So, I’ll say the first try was good, but could have
been better. I took some pictures, filmed a bit while traveling and talked to
people and recorded it. I’m planning on using all that in material I develop
for my Spanish classes. Meanwhile if you want an idea of what I’m talking
about, go to
My next one will hopefully be a little bit more sophisticated ;-)
The next step in that area is taking it with
me to the El Salvador Alternative Spring Break Trip for the whole group to use
to capture video/interviews, take pictures and post on a blog while we are
there. Once we are back we’ll use the material for classes, presentations and
students’ projects.
- My second idea is to find the
“perfect” attendance/grade keeping app … well, I’m learning the hard way
there’s nothing perfect! Since I have used GradeKeeper on my Mac (desktop) in
the past and I didn’t like it very much because I found it a bit limiting, I
decided to try with different apps for the iPad. The first challenge was
deciding which ones to get, there are MANY, too many! The other issue is the
time it takes to get used to them and make them work smoothly so they really help
rather than make you waste time.
First I decided to download a free one called
TeacherPal. Information is easy to
import and it is extremely simple to use, but it’s too basic. I didn’t like the
fact that you can’t do too much, you can’t change the way you see the class
roster (it’s always with the pictures, you can’t do list view or anything else),
when you click on a student picture and try to resize it, it doesn’t work (a
bug, I guess). If you just add the picture without touching anything, it puts
it into the little frame, but careful or it freezes. The grade keeping part is
too basic and doesn’t allow you to improvise too much. The most annoying
problem is that it freezes the whole time, wether you are dealing with pictures
or attendance or grades, it doesn’t matter. My advice: If you are looking for a
free and simple app, it’s OK, but don’t expect too much and be patient.
The second app I decided to download is
called GradeBook Pro. It looks very
cool and “Pro”, but I still haven’t been able to successfully import a list of
students as a .csv file. I’ve followed all the steps (even got some help from
Kelly), but there must be something in the file, hidden somewhere, that the app
doesn’t like and I have to redo everything manually. I have to admit that our
LCInfonet lists are not the easiest thing to work with, or download, so I can’t
blame it all on the app. I tried typing the students’ info in an .xls doc,
saved it as a .csv and it went very smoothly, but it didn’t save me any time! I
entered another class manually directly in the app and it also worked great,
but it didn’t save me any time! So that was my first frustration. Another slow
process was to get the students’ pictures from LCInfonet, you have to save one
by one since there’s no way I know of to download them as a list or group. Once
they were in a folder it was somewhat easy to import them to the iPad and
attach them to the corresponding student. I have to admit it’s taking me some
time to learn how to use it, but so far I like it. I’m using it every class to
register attendance and to keep grades and it’s working fine. It doesn’t freeze
as the other and I like the capabilities I see so far. I have to find out if it
has a corresponding program for a desktop computer to keep things in both
places and be able to use them both. Meanwhile I’m exporting docs and emailing
them as backups. I forgot to mention that I’m using Dropbox and iTunes to go
back and forth with docs.
I have a third project, but that one is for
later. More soon …
Check out the new TeacherPal 1.0