
Thursday, May 2, 2013

OK, another entry that reflects how much of a Luddite I am in all of this: I just discovered Notability, an app that allows you to write notes freehand or with a stylus, and I love it. I have never felt comfortable with the keypad-on-screen, and the detachable keyboard I use is awkward and adds weight to the iPad-schlepping experience that already makes me wish for an iPod too often as it is. So using Notability is a terrific improvement, and it restores, even if only partly, the experience of handwriting text that remains important to me.

"Really cool," says the Luddite.

1 comment:

  1. OK, another entry that reflects how much of a Luddite I am in all of this: I just discovered Notability, an app that allows you to write notes freehand or with a stylus, and I love it. I have never felt comfortable with the keypad-on-screen
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